Comando e instrucciones

 Commands and instructions

Resultado de imagen para comandos en ingles

Giving orders
We often use a command imperative, and we also use must. Both sound very direct:


In the class: Stop talking now!

There are several ways to make te commands sound more educated. We can add, please, at the end of what we say, or we can use a question form to make a command sound more like a request, or we ocan use
I would like you to do + infinitive or I would appraceiate it + infinitive without that:

At work : As like to sign this form and then send it immediately, please, Ana.

Give instructions

We use instructions to tell someone how to do something. We usually use imperatives. They do not sound too direct in this context:

A cooking class : Beat four eggs, like this. Then add the flour gradually. However, do not beat the eggs too much.


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