verb to be

The verb to be"

The verb "to be" is translated as "to be or to be" and is the most important of English since it also has two uses. On the one hand, it can function as the main verb and on the other hand, it can also serve as an auxiliary verb. Also, sometimes, it can be a little complicated to understand and you will ask why? For the reason is that: as we increase our level in this language, we will discover that this verb is irregular, both in the present and in the past

Structure of the verb "to be"

Affirmative: subject + verb to be.

Negative: subject + verb to be + not.

Interrogative: verb to be + subject.

  •  I am not a student
  • He is in his office. 
  • It is a good movie. .
  • He is a happy child.
  • She is a smart girl.


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